Humanitas Foundation e.V.
Humanitarian help - worldwide

Welcome to our website!

We are happy you found us. We, the Humanitas Foundation, are a non-profit organization that is active worldwide in the humanitarian field. Since 2002 we have been involved in various projects. Our goal is to help people in need all over the world and to improve their living conditions in a sustainable way. We are currently working mainly in Africa.


Sustainable Partner

We are a durable and reliable partner for people in need and our cooperation partners. We know that orphans, widows, sick people, refugees and other people disadvantageous areas are targeted fen, relief in current emergencies lay or even a permanent one. Finding a basis for existence. Our principle is families to strengthen, to undermine the youth support and international support drawings to organize to produce aid projects.

In this way, our organization supports sation, on the one hand, suitable standing social projects and realizes new ones for those in need and entire families with you
with the aim of creating a long-term constant and free way of life make possible.


Helping people to help themselves

For us, sustainable support in Africa is very important, a short-termin measures can only extinguish individual fires temporarily and it is important to us that our partner organisations function on their own at some point and at best not longer need our financial support. This is why we always plan out projects on a long-term basis, for example by planting trees or using the microcredit system. Here we give Africans who want to build their own existence or live more independently interest-free microloans, which they pay back only in case of success.

For example. we help them to buy equipment for a business start or seed for their own food cultivation. We also support young people, for example by financing their driving licences, which they need for a job. In this way, we provide the starting aid for a more independent life. Our small charity farm newa Kampala, Uganda was also started ro make use of existing land and to start agriculture and chick rearing through the provision of good seeds and the purchase of the first 100 chicks.


India - new projects

We are currently working on starting new projects to India because we know that the need of people for help is increasing everywhere in the world. That is why we want to expant our work so that other work portfolio to more countries as well.

Germany - Nursing Services

We did a lot of projects in Germany for refugees in the past. Our new project is building up a nursing service as there is a great need in Germany at the moment. Older people and people with different chronic illnesses and conditions need help for their everyday life and we want to establish a project to make this possible.